We have a suite of tools that enables us to characterize the physicochemical properties of aerosols and their toxic impacts using various acellular assays conducted under physiological conditions. Major equipment includes:
​Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrophotometer (MP-AES, Agilent)
Dual Ion Chromatography (cations, anions, including carbohydrates, Metrohm)
Aerosol Monitor (TSI; 0.1 to 15 µm) ​
Outdoor Integrated Ambient Particulate Sampling System (MetOne)*
MOUDI Passive Sampler*
UV-VIS Spectrometers (incl. Ocean Optics with 10 cm pathlength flow cell)
Fluorescence Plate Reader (SpectraMax Gemini EM, Molecular Devices)
Fluorescence Spectrophotometers (Vernier)
Photoreactor (Luzchem; UVA and UVB)
Ozone Generator and Monitor (2B Technologies)
Semi-Automated Colourimetric Method using Syringe Pumps
*We also have other smaller pieces of equipment/tools that enable aerosol sample generation, collection, and preparation, including PM2.5 and PM10 cyclones, filter holders, tubing, and pumps. ​​
Departmental/University Instrumentation
W(r)ong group also uses departmental analytical instruments such as High Performance Liquid Chromatrography (HPLC; Agilent), Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS; Agilent). We have also employed the use the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) instrument at the University's Digitial Microscopy facilities. ​